Ford made a decision recently to have their vehicles transition from gas to electric in order to comply with the new carbon emissions reduction initiatives. We've already seen this announcement made with GM Motors and it should come as no surprise that Ford has decided to go down this route as more companies become environmentally conscious. When will gas vehicles phase out? Well, in reality; not now, but maybe the use of them could be obsolete by the time 2070

Ford made a decision recently to have their vehicles transition from gas to electric in order to comply with the new carbon emissions reduction initiatives. We've already seen this announcement made with GM Motors and it should come as no surprise that Ford has decided to go down this route as more companies become environmentally conscious. When will gas vehicles phase out? Well, in reality; not now, but maybe the use of them could be obsolete by the time 2070 comes around. This remains to be seen as many car enthusiasts love to rev up their engine and burnout their vehicles; something many avid competitive racers will miss. I respect what each automobile manufacturer is doing in regards to the environment, but will this satisfy each one of us?


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